Sojourn Magazine, Fall 1999, Volume 3, Issue 4



From the Editor 

This is the last issue of Sojourn. The turn of the year, decade, century and millennium also marks the rebirth of Sojourn as GRACE MILLENNIUM magazine. All subscriptions will be transferred automatically.

    The collection of interviews in this last issue of SOJOURN are about trust and stepping into the unknown. We started with the simple question, "How are you manifesting the new paradigm?" The community's response confirmed that many of us are living the future NOW.  By reinforcing new patterns, we can enliven the shift.

     Our cover artist Flory Chowe explores the question, "What is reality?" This story about her bag of tools tells how she chipped away her blind faith to find healing in the fullness of forgiveness and detachment. 

    Butterfly tells a story about unfoldment and reconnection with ancient friends--the healing of ancestral threads and holocaust memories; Joan Marler and Kirsten Johnsen share the power and magic of the sacred pilgrimage and how their outer journeys led to deeper self-knowledge.

     Joanna Macy poetically illustrates guidelines for co-creating a life-sustaining society during this time of ecological revolution. Her talk is followed by the reflections of three Willits women about personal, community and global transformation. Finally, spontaneous conversations about neighborhood sharing and spiritual midwifery carry on discussions begun in past issues of Sojourn. 

     You are invited to participate in the Grace Millennium Year 2000 Business & Service Directory. Call right away to be included.

 Butterfly Woman  ~  Cover Artist: Flory Chowe
From the EditorRivers of Time  ~  Spiritual Midwifery

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