Grace Millennium

From the Editor

Grace Millennium presents a shifting paradigm in which the art, writings and shared experiences reveal the transformational power of grace in these challenging times.

This Spring 2001 issue of Grace Millennium is another double issue following the child and education theme—this time with emphasis on Children of the New Millennium. In this final issue, I have opened the door for new ways of participation from our regional, country and and planetwide communities, now and in the future.

This issue gives voice to children from around the world in their own words, poems and paintings as well as through anecdotal stories from their parents. Cover artist, Moma De Louvre presents a series of paintings on the theme of the Indigo children along with poetic visions of their entry to Earth.

It has been a pleasure interviewing my neighbors, near and far. Now our focus is to co-create a new ascended Earth for all its enhabitants, manifesting peace, prosperity, and joyful living for all.

Thank You, Jerri-Jo Idarius, Editor and publisher

cover art

Cover Painting
“Painting of child connecting to self

before entering this plane of existence.”

Indigo Series painting entitled “Innocence”
by Mo ma De Louvre,
acrylic and oil on canvas
#MDL 980005013 · © 1998 MDL

Table of Contents

Indigo Children Paintings by Moma De Louvre

Three Hawks
Interview with Vina Lopez-Tropy,
Redwood Valley

The Inner Life of A Child
Interview with Rami Vissell, Aptos

Today I Am a Published Writer
by C.J. Lynn, Spokane, Washington

Jomanda, The Lady of Light:
Interview in Mendocino California while on tour

Children of the New Millennium:
Interview/Book Review with
P.M.H. Atwater Charlottesville, Virginia

Karen Eck
Interview with founder of on-line
discussion groups for Indigo children
and their parents

Wings of Light
Interview, with Carolyn Kaufman,
Whittier, California

Dawning of Forever
Interview with Natalie Montano,
Anaheim Hills, California

Child Artist
Interview with Konstanze Reinhard,
Ojai, California

Indigo Parents Group:
Internet postings from around the world

One Indigo’s Story
by Terri Plewa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Unless You Are Like Little Children
by Leeya Brook, Ukiah, California

Melanie: Personal Internet posts
by Melanie of Granby, Connecticut

Portrait of a Millennium Child
Interview with mother Kelli of Minnesota


Wordless in a New Place
by Carol Kohli, Willits

Indigo Bridge
by Victoria
Chicago, Illinois

The Farthest Dream
by Melanie Tongren,
Granby, Connecticut




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Copyright © 2001 Grace Millennium