Winter 1998 

From the Publishers
With our winter issue, we begin an exploration of ethics with an interview of counselor and business consultant, Lorelei Hammond. We will pursue this topic in future issues as women in various occupations apply standards to their personal and work lives that transcend the "accepted norm." A series of articles on sovereignty remind us of the inspired vision of our founding fathers, who formed a government on the principles of freedom and mutual respect with checks and balances intended to avoid the pitfalls of corruption. The American experience of sovereignty-learned first-hand from the Iroquois nation-continues as Indian people struggle to safeguard their identities and traditions. Perhaps, in recognizing the potential for all people to live as sovereigns in a global community, we can redefine "progress" and benefit the whole world. Further articles, short stories and poetry share views on menopause, life and death, grieving, and environmental safety. With cover artist Sara Mann and Rabbi Margaret Holub, we celebrate the Jewish presence in our community and learn about ritual, rhythm, spirals and cycles of life that express universal truth in a tradition experiencing a powerful renewal through the feminine. 

Sojourn is published quarterly and distributed free to select locations throughout Mendocino and neighboring counties. 

Bau Biology ~ Business and Personal Ethics ~ Circles in Motion
From the Publisher
  ~ Menopausal Years 
 Indian Sovereignty ~ Iroquois Constitution
 An Interview with Tribal Chairwoman Priscilla Ramos Hunter  
An Interview with Rabbi Margaret Holub 
 Sovereignty as Spiritual Identity ~ Winter Fall 

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