Grace Millennium presents a shifting paradigm in which
the art, writings and shared experiences of women reveal the transformational
power of grace in these challenging times.
After four and a half years, the next issue (spring 2001) will be my last
print edition.
Articles explore the heart and joy of teaching
and learning through stories and interviews of teachers in public,
private and charter schools along with those teaching special programs
for drama, poetry and entrepreneurial enterprises. We also talk to
children about their educational experiences past and present, explore
special functions of the human heart, bonding, the healing value of
plants and gardens, street counseling, cross-cultural adoption, child-raising
and the power of ancestral influences. Finally we explore the dangers
of vaccines and mind-altering prescription medications for children.
In this double issue artist Moma De Louvre shares paintings of the
light of the child.
Jerri-Jo Idarius, Editor and Publisher

Front Cover Art:
Spectrum Series painting entitled
Blue Waters of Gold by Moma De Louvre ·
4 x 8 · Acrylic and lacquer on canvas ·
#MDL20010004 · © 2001 MDL

ARTIST, Spectrum Series Paintings
Letter to the Children of the World
From Moma De Louvre
A Career of Caring:
Bringing the Light to the Public School System
Interview with Virginia Grace Braun, Cloverdale
California Poets in the Schools
Interview with Karen Lewis, Albion
A Journey Through the Grades Waldorf Style
with Kate Gould, Ukiah
Going into Ms. Goulds Third Grade
Interview with Susan & Callie, Ukiah
Melville Montessori School
with Principal Athena Melville, Willits
Drama in the Classroom
Interview with Polly Erion, Fort Bragg
Growing Up at the City of Ten Thousand
Interview with Shari Ruei-Hua Epstein, Stanford
Interview with Ute Roland, Little River
Spirit and Matter of the Heart
Interview with Dorothy Mandel, Santa Rosa
The Colors of My Heart:
Giving a New Voice to Navaho Tradition
Interview with Sharon Burch, Windsor
Tech Prep
Interview with Vicky Patterson, Redwood Valley
Should You Child Take Mind Altering Prescription Drugs
by Lisa Fine, Wheaton, Maryland
Youth on the Streets:
Interview with Julie Westney, Albion
A School Garden & Labyrinth
with Chrie Lee Holden
and Students Jennifer and Rebecca, Ukiah
A Bridge Over the Ocean
by Susan Sher, Ukiah
The Emperors New Clothes:
Decades of Lies About Vaccines
by Dr. Viera Scheibner, Australia
Our Advice to Other Kids
by the Kids at
North Haven School, Ukiah
It is Time
by Melinda Hunter,
Coyote Valley Reservation
Poetry: My Happy Place
by Mary Lopez
Point Arena Elementary
Storm of Words
by Karen Lewis, Albion
Call Me
by Lecicia Cervantes
Point Arena Elementary
Like This
by Gina Lappe
Point Arena Elementary
by Christina Delgado Yanez
Fort Bragg High School
by Kelly Albin
Fort Bragg High School
Colors of My Heart
by Sharon Burch, Windsor