We are in the midst of a major evolutionary shift in the human species. Scientists are not admitting it yet. They have the data, but all the research has not been pulled together as a whole and cross-compared. This information needs to reach the general public in a manner that represents the best of current findings. This is one of the reasons why I have remained a researcher rather than becoming a minister or storyteller. PERSONAL HISTORY
Actually, when I go back over my life, it seems as if the
experiences I have had were those that would develop and hone
research skills. Its as if I was challenged at an early
age to see and hearthink things throughby myself
as an independent observer. In my third near-death experience, I reached
the realm that in research we call the realm of all
knowing. In that dimension I suddenly knew all thingsor
at least felt I did. The puzzle pieces of life came together.
While I was there, things were revealed to me about creation,
about God and about souls. After those revelations were given,
a voice spoke to me, unlike the voice of an angel or any spirit
guide that I had been familiar with. There is no way to describe
how different and powerful this voice was. It felt to me like
every molecule and cell in the universe stood up and saluted
when it spoke. I called it, The Voice Like None Other.
It said, Test revelation. You are to do the research.
One book for each death. Then it showed me what that
meant and it named books two and three, but not book one.
It showed me what was to be in each book, but not how to do
this or how long it would take. I agreed to the task and thats
why I came back. I came back to do this work. RESEARCH AND CREDENTIALS
My early training in police investigative techniques included
not just how to interview people but also how to do observation
analyses in a way that involved looking at body language and
being alert to nonverbal cues. By the time my work began,
I had left Idaho, moved to the Washington D.C. area and later
to several spots in Virginia. In my job as a telephone systems
analyst, I did a lot of work with engineers and installers,
traveling constantly and living out of a suitcase.
No matter how long a person is dead, if they do revive, not
only is there little or no brain damage, in the vast majority
of the cases there is brain enhancement. The average near-death
experiencer is without vital signs between five to twenty
minutes, but its not unusual to find this extending
for an hour or more. It is not exceptional for people to revive
in the morgue. Yet, no matter how long they are deprived of
oxygen and the heart is not beating, these people literally
come back smarter than they were before. Whether they have
extreme or partial intellect enhancement, they invariably
come back as creative intuitivescreative problem solvers.
I call the near-death experience a brain shift. In fact I
call any major transformative experience a brain shift because
of similar after-effects. In fact I no longer consider a near-death
experience to be an anomaly, but rather part of the larger
genre of transformations of consciousness. QUESTIONS
In my interviews with people I use a lot of body language
and facial expressions. My questions are simple, open ended
and objective like, What happened to you? I use
words like and . . ? Tell me more.
Oh, thats very interesting. Would you describe
that to me? Words come tumbling out of peoples
mouths as if they have been waiting for someone like me to
come into their lives and show an interest. Give a near-death
experiencer an interested listener and they will go on and
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She Holds the Whole World Oil Painting by Suzanne De Veuve |
The human race is getting a jumpstart. We are changing and
evolving, and this is happening three different waysthrough
transformations of consciousness (like the near-death experience),
through children being born that way, and finally through
people all over the globe choosing behaviors and life-style
changes that reflect a more wholistic, spiritual way of living.
An evolutionary shift is reflected in a structural, chemical
and functional change in the brain, alterations in the nervous
system, digestive system and whole body. As near as I can
tell through my research, higher octaves of the brain-mind
are beginning to function and the effects are as physical
as they are psychological.
Sociologist Paul Ray found that a new social and political
force is growing in the United States today. He estimates
that forty-four million peopleroughly a quarter of the
populationare choosing to blend modernism with traditionalism,
east with westto create a renaissance mindset of wholistic
thinking. He labels this group of people cultural creatives.
When their numbers reach thirty-three to thirty-five percent
of the population, a tipping point can occur and
the cultural creatives could become the majority political
force in the country. That can happen in the next five to
six years.
In the late 90s, the results of those countries who administer
standard IQ tests in their schools was revealed. There was
a jump of between twenty-four to twenty-six points in a significant
percentage. This sharp increase over previous testing periods
was too fast for the gene pool to account for. This effects
the score for genius. Large numbers of the Millennial Generationthose
born after 1982scored between 150-160. Where have you
heard that before? This is a global phenomenon and has the
professionals really troubled. The scores show only a slight
improvement in acquired intelligencerote schooling.
The biggest jump is in non-verbal intelligencecreative
problem solving. Where is this nonverbal intelligence coming
from? Its not due to the schools or genetics. Its
not from TV because TV doesnt demand anything of its
viewers. No one knows where it is coming from or what to do
with these new kids. They dont match any previous model.
They are brand new.
After reading Children of the New Millennium, Dr. Linda Silverman,
one of the nations leading authorities on gifted children,
called me on the phone. She told me, Your work proves
my work and my work proves yours . . . . Hang on to your hat.
Of the most profoundly gifted children in my study, eighty
percent of those with IQs beginning at around 184 were born
premature and suffered extreme birth trauma. Afterwards they
immediately displayed all of the characteristics of a child
experiencer of a near-death state, trait for trait.
About thirty-nine percent of the child experiencers in my
study are multi-dimensionally aware. About seventy-five percent
of those are focused on the progression of the soul. They
are tied into the human family, the oneness of souls and the
life continuum.
The other group of these multi-dimensional children is more
interested in the cosmos, creation and the universe. This
group doesnt remember having lived in a human body before,
but they clearly remember having lived before as bits and
pieces of the universe, as a pulsar or standing wave. They
are a part of the universe and they talk about hearing something
like a SOS call saying that the earth, which is a living entity,
needed help. So they answered the call and went through various
processes to take on a physical body and handle the type of
solidified matter that we have in this plane.
There is no funny stuff with these kids. They know they are
here to help the earth. They know about souls and progression,
but that is not their interest. They are interested in the
environment, and almost to a person they say, Im
here for the changes. They talk about severe challenges
to governments in the future of Earth and tremendous changes
that are coming. Since they are kids, they dont have
a timeframe for this, but when I asked them to describe what
they will look like when the changes come, they said that
they are grown adults with older children or grandchildren.
I did a little math and came up with the time period between
2013 and 2029.
From esoteric/mystery studies comes the idea of life streams or root races. These are major adaptations or mutations in the human species over thousands of years. They come in by degrees and their function is to develop a given chakra within the global mind/body. The first root race concerns itself with the first chakra and so forth. In my reading and talking to people I found out that this is the predicted time for the final degrees of the fifth root race to come inthe advanced blues.
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of Spring Oil Painting by Suzanne De Veuve
An excellent book called Generations (by historians William
Strauss and Neil Howe) names and profiles eighteen generations
of United States history. In so doing they named the millennial
generation as those born between 1982 and 2003. Based on historical
cycles, a predictive section at the back of the book sees
that the Untied States will face its most severe challenges
between 2013 and 2029. That is exactly the same time frame
that these children describe and also has a tie in with the
Mayan calendar, which ends December 21, 2012. That date marks
the ending of a cycle called the fourth sun. The next day
is the beginning of the fifth sun. If the influx of the fifth
root race continues at its current rate, Im willing
to predict that by the beginning of the fifth sun, ninety
percent of the worlds population could well be fifth
root race types (of varying degrees).
The timing is exactright on. Evolution is on schedule
within its progression. The near-death children, the Millennial
Generation and those who are choosing a fifth root race lifestyle
(the cultural creatives) are going through the transformations
of consciousness necessary to face whats coming globally
during the time of the fifth sun. This will enable us to face
the major challenges between 2013 and 2029 in the most positive
and constructive manner possible. I find this reassuring.
These exact dates are coming in from sources that are both
empirical and esoteric. I pay attention to that. The time
is also right for the Indigo children to begin to come in,
but I feel there are not that many yet. What are being referred
to as Indigo children is matching the description of the refined
and more developed blues, the capstone of that adaptation
in the human family. So what I see is that whats being
touted as Indigos are really the advanced blues.
As near as I can tell, the fifth root race started making
itself known about the time of Jesus, maybe even a bit earlier.
During the period of the European Renaissance and again from
about 1850 on you see another huge influx and then more and
more throughout the 20th century. What we are seeing now is
the final blossoming and fruition of the blues. The fifth
root race manifests higher intuition. The blues know themselves
as individuals and have an enlightened wisdom. Their job is
to fully develop the fifth chakraassociated with the
thyroid, the throat, power issues and the will. They must
fully face and solve the conundrum of power over or
power to. During their time we have had to come to terms
with genocidal attacks within countries or of one country
against another. That test of power is coming to a climax.
The fifth root race is very attuned to human rights, social
and environmental issues. They dont want war, but they
have a short fuse. They will not accept anything less than
authenticity. They dont care what your degrees are,
how much you have experienced, how much you know or how old
you are. They dont respect courtesy or follow the dictum,
Honor thy father and thy mother. Theyll
honor their father and mother if their father and mother have
earned it. They are very loving, open and compassionate children,
but they dont tolerate the inauthentic.
These children are facing a major challenge in communication
and socialization. That is where they get caught. They know
more than we do and are very inspired. They are movers and
shakers, hyperactive because they are hyper-curious; they
cant learn enough. But how do you educate them? Schools
arent prepared for them. Parents arent prepared
for them. What do you do with them? We dont know how
to handle these kids, so we are drugging them, and in doing
so we are cutting off their creativity. They are having a
huge problem with Ritalin, because they are too sensitive
to handle pharmaceuticals. Homeopathy, herbs, minerals and
vitamins are going to bring greater balance to the needs of
their body/mind.
These children are coming in with intuitive and intellectual
abilities in equal measure. You cant cut out their creativity
or over-emphasize the intellect without losing them. If you
try, you will create monsters. They have got to have dance,
music, theater and ways of using their intuition. They are
very inventive and they have to be able to experiment.
Linda Silverman told me that of the most profoundly gifted children in America, almost every one of them has left school. They are either being home schooled or are getting their schooling off the Internet. That means many are growing up without social and communication skills. By not understanding how to educate and nurture these children, we are losing their interest and genius at an alarming rate. You cant just sit them down in front of a television and expect them to be happy. We have to balance their computer use with exercise and fresh air, with being in nature, with having pets and doing gardening. We have to get our kids back to a healthy diet, one that is not overloaded with drugs like sugar and caffeine. Theyve got to do hand work, toe work and legwork. They have to use their body with their brain. Any child needs that, but these kids will need it more. They have to run, jump and scream. They have to be allowed to experiment in science and also with what is loosely called the psychic and the arts of divination.
The indigo children are so fully individuated that they are
not going to relate to regular personality issues. They are
the messengers of the purer forms of inspiration. They are
coming from a very different level and their challenges are
going to be very different.
Most people think of the third eye as having to do with psychic
abilities, but that isnt correct. Most of our mystery
schools teach that the third eye and sixth chakra function
is about being. This root race is not going to be learning
so much. They already are and they already know. Their job
is the challenge of forgiveness and grace. We think we know
about these things, but we really dont. The deeper issues
of the sixth chakra are about blending the other side with
this side. Verbal and non-verbal language is going to change
as the mind and brain become much more highly developed. There
will be many different ways of conversing. I see language
being very multi dimensional in the futurenot just in
a few years, or even in one single generation. It will take
One Indigo boy I talked to has started up a business where
all of the monies he is earning are going into helping people
in prisons around the globe and to fund the dismantling of
land mines. He is coming from a different understanding of
human rights and human issues than most people. He is willing
to fund the practical side. He is not just inspiring people,
not joining groups, not carrying a flag; hes not writing
about it; hes not in the streets making a big fuss.
Hes finding ways of earning the money. This kid is eleven
or twelve. Think about the mind that understands how this
needs to be approached. He has called on others to help and
has set up networks. The money is coming in, and he knows
exactly what to do with that money. He never went to his parents
and said, How do I do this? He knows exactly how
to appropriate that money, who to give it to and how to give
it to them. His understanding of spirituality is integrated.
He came in this way. He didnt have a near-death experience.
He is what I would call a true Indigo. These people are detached
and individuated at the same time. He didnt have to
be raised. The blue children are like this too. Actually,
the two groups will be a lot alike for awhile. Remember, it
takes several thousand years or more for a given root race
to come in and spread out among the populace.
The new children are not like anything weve known before.
They are going to have to be raised and schooled differently
if we are going to have healthy kids. We know enough now to
recognize that and adjust. And many people in the field who
have been working with these kids, are coming forth with ideas,
techniques and exercises that work. We need to listen to them
and promote their findings more broadly.
What we can substantiate scientifically from many disciplines
is the rise childrens intuition, psychic ability, wisdom,
intelligence, creativity, inventiveness and abstractions.
Its hard to tell the difference between advanced blues
and the early indigos even if you can see auras unless you
can discriminate between issues of forgiveness and grace and
issues of power, especially willpower. I dont think
its necessary to identify children as blue or indigo.
If you want to call them the new kids, if you want to call
them the millennial kids, there is substance for that. We
have no way to know how many indigos are coming in, but research
is indicating there arent that many. What we are getting
is incredibly advanced childrenjust in time for the
emergence of the fifth sunnew kids for a new world.
PMH Atwater lives in Charlottesville, Virginia. Her extensive
website with speaking schedule, articles and downloads can
be visited at http://www.cinemind.com/atwater
Her first two books Coming Back to Life and Beyond the Light
are considered to be bibles of the near-death experience.
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Memory (published by Hampton Roads, July 1999) is about pre-living
the future before it occurs. Its about brain shifts.
Its about the universe. Its about the soul. Its
about God. Many of the revelations that were given to me are
in the book, but really, its a device, a psychotronic
device to help the reader experience a simulated brain shift.
Every sentence, every paragraph, every page is mathematically
formatted on the basis of a labyrinth. When you walk through
a labyrinth, you follow the path. Similarly, when reading
the book, if you skip around in reading it, you miss its transformational
effect. If you read it from the first chapter to the last,
it will bring you to the next highest level of brain functioning
that is possible for you.
Children of the New Millennium published by Three Rivers Press
in 1999 is a major study of child experiencers of near-states,
their episodes, variations, and aftereffects. Also included
is material on the millennial generation, those born between
1982 and about 2003, for comparison. Evolutionary factors
are explored, especially the concept of root races
and multi-dimensional children. No matter what your belief
system is, or what youve previously read about near-death
states, this book will surprise you.
With David Morgan, she produced The Complete Idiots
Guide to Near-Death Experiences. This 480-page Macmillan edition
released in March/April 2000, has first class writing, new
research and new cases and is the worlds first encyclopedic
compendium of the entire field with all of its implications
and aftereffects.
atwater is also available for personal consultations.
She can be contacted by email at atwater@cinemind.com
or by regular mail at: You Can Change Your Life
P.O.Box 7691
Charlottesville, VA 22906-7691