Sojourn, Volume 2: Issue 3, Summer 1998


 From the Publishers

This summer issue focuses on earth-based spirituality--Pagan traditions of Old Europe and local adaptations of ceremonies and seasonal rituals. This array of articles and interviews has barely scratched the surface in exploring the sacred knowledge, practices and wisdom of representative women from our local communities. Yet, their sharing may provide our readers with an ever broadening appreciation and understanding of the relationship between humans, the Earth, the cosmos and the creator. 
     Our cover artist, oil painter Suzanne deVeuve of Cazadero, shares an array of cultural/spiritual influences that she has adapted in a deeply personal way. Her interview reveals a balance of aliveness, depth of compassion and sensitivity to the worlds within and around her. 

 Bridging the Gap between Christianity and the Goddess   
From the Publisher ~ From the Realm of the Ancestors   
Living Deeply in the Personal ~Luce Primera 
Notes on European Pagan Traditions ~Tribute to Marija Gimbutas  

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