An Online Magazine
Celebrating Women's Creativity

Grace Millennium is now accepting submissions
from women of all ages, ethnicities and locations
around the world.

We welcome your participation. Those featured throughout this publication share our vision to unify the diverse community of people throughout the world. We thank you all for making this endeavor possible and hope to spark your creative participation now and in the future. We challenge you to explore the edges of your beliefs, to stretch beyond the known, to delve the depths and bring us your best work. This includes essays, short stories, articles, poetry, photographs, drawings and more. . 

Submission Guidelines

All submissions should include your name, email address, your location and phone number. Please include a brief biographical statement to provide the reader a greater understanding and appreciation of your work. Also include photos, art or illustrations as you feel appropiate to go with your article or poem, including a photo of yourself or a website (url) where such images can be downloaded by ur staff. You do not need to a published writer to have your work accepted. Images can be sent as attachments 72 to 100 dpi and large enough to display clearly (generally in the range of 300-600 pixels wide). We work in pc format so be sure that all attachments have their proper 3 letter extension (jpg of tif for images; doc for word documents, etc.)

Editorial Policy

We recognize the need for a paradigm shift to move us beyond crisis and conflict and we encourage writings that attempt to transcend the limitations of polarized thinking. Through open inquiry, Grace Millennium intends to set the stage for new awareness and insight into sometimes controversial topics. Submissions are selected based on content, clarity and taste, in keeping with our mission statement. We reserve the right to edit copy with the courtesy of attempting to communicate major changes with the author. 

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